Thank you to our amazing parent groups from the Presidents' Council (HSA, KPA, PTA, PTO, DEIB) that came out and provided breakfast for our staff to welcome them back to school. Thank you for helping our teachers, custodians, secretaries, and administrators in kicking off a great new school year!
11 days ago, Peter Hughes
While our teaching staff is fully hired for the upcoming school year, we are still seeking great coaches, aides, and substitute teachers to make a difference in the lives of our students. Currently, the coaching positions available are MS Boys Soccer (Fall), MS Girls Soccer (Fall), Winter Track, MS Softball (Spring), and MS Track and Field (Spring). Per policy, parents of Cresskill students are not permitted to coach, but all those without children enrolled in the schools are welcome to apply by emailing
26 days ago, Peter Hughes
28 days ago, Peter Hughes
Attached is the presentation from last evening to the Cresskill Board of Educaton on the NJGPA and Access for ELLs test results. All are welcome to view the presentation, and should you have questions, we look forward to assisting. 28 days ago, Peter Hughes
Greetings Cresskill Families! We have a quick summer update that we wanted to share with you as we move quickly towards our new school year. Here is the letter outlining some important changes and updates to expect in the upcoming year. about 1 month ago, Peter Hughes
Dr. Hughes recently spoke as a guest speaker with New Jersey School Boards Association on the topic of Artificial Intelligence in Education. Learn about ways we are incorporating AI in thoughtful ways as a school district. about 2 months ago, Peter Hughes
Thank you to everyone that came out to celebrate our strategic plan adoption last night. It was a great culmination of a community effort. For those that helped on the committees, please stop into the board office to sign our posters. The best hours to come are between 8-2:30 M-Th, 8-11:30 on Friday this week and next.
3 months ago, Peter Hughes
Tonight at 6:30 pm is the signing ceremony of our strategic plan, Pathways to Excellence, in the high school student center. All community members are invited, and cake will be served.
Those that participated in the plan are welcome to sign the posters that will be hung in all of our buildings.
3 months ago, Peter Hughes
While July 4th, 1776 is observed as America's independence or freedom from the British, Juneteenth commemorates the first time in history when EVERY American was free! Over two years after the Emancipation Proclamation, the final vestiges of slavery were finally stamped out when Union soldiers informed the last groups of slaves of their freedom. As Americans, Juneteenth is a time to celebrate freedom for ALL! Happy Juneteenth!
3 months ago, Peter Hughes
Thank to our Cresskill Police Department for all that you do at EHB and the Cresskill community!
3 months ago, Dayle Collins
Congratulations EHB graduates! We are so proud of the people you are becoming!
3 months ago, Peter Hughes
Please be advised that there is currently a phishing scam targeting school athletic teams in northern NJ, including our teams in Cresskill. The scam uses text messages sent to parents and community members that imitate online team fundraisers. Please do not click on any links or texts referring to "NIL" fundraising. This is not a school fundraiser. We do have in place safeguards to ensure that you can know what is a scam and what is a genuine fundraiser as we only approve contributions through our district pay app (PaySchools) or through checks made out directly to our business office for specific teams or activities. If you ever get a different link or request, it is not an approved way to directly donate to our programs. Here is a link to the letter for more information: 3 months ago, Peter Hughes
A great day for our kindergarten concert!
3 months ago, Dayle Collins
A great Field Day at EHB!
3 months ago, Dayle Collins
Thank you everyone who helped make our time at Bear Mountain wonderful today!
4 months ago, Dayle Collins
Our STEAM Night is going on until 8. Come out and see the amazing robotics, art, and hands-on activities all while supporting our programs.
4 months ago, Peter Hughes
Our humanities supervisor, Grace Chun, was recently highlighted by News 12 for her work in learning about and promoting Asian American and Pacific Islander history. She is part of a special cohort in the state to ensure visibility and representation of AAIP in our classrooms and schools. In Cresskill, we believe our curriculum should contain "mirrors" where students can see themselves represented and "windows" that allow them to see the experiences of others. We are grateful for the work our entire curriculum department is doing to bring awareness of the diverse world we live in. Here is the article and video: 4 months ago, Peter Hughes
According to the Cresskill PD Jefferson Ave between Madison Ave and Lexington Ave will be completely closed to all vehicles on 5/13 & 5/14.
4 months ago, Dayle Collins
4 months ago, Peter Hughes
Our annual STEAM Night is coming on May 15th to CHS. ALL families are invited! Save the date for this exciting evening from 6-8 PM. Proceeds go to our robotics team and help to fund great STEAM learning for everyone!
4 months ago, Peter Hughes