We are excited to partner once again with the YWCA Before and After Care programs to assist with childcare. These are the links to information and to sign-up: https://ywcannj.org/before-and-after-school/ https://ywcannj.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Registration-for-2023-24-RV-7-10-23-002.pdf
11 months ago, Peter Hughes
Dr. Hughes is hosting a virtual coffee with the superintendent at 7 PM for those that wish to learn about our District Goals for 2023-2024. All are welcome to join using this link: http://meet.google.com/uqe-ghwo-tua
11 months ago, Peter Hughes
We are currently seeking kind and caring individuals to serve as classroom aides, supporting some our students as they learn and excel. If you or someone you know is interested in a position, we have immediate availability for meeting them. Please email Dr. Amat at jamato@cresskillnj.net.
11 months ago, Peter Hughes
On Friday, September 1st, new families and incoming first grade students are invited to an Open House from 12pm - 1pm! Please R.S.V.P via the Google Form: https://forms.gle/AzvKDve4uG5Hah6Z6 We look forward to meeting all of our new Merritt Mustangs!
11 months ago, Jackie Peguero
MMS Open House Friday September 1
I am hosting a Virtual Superintendent Coffee to share the 2023 - 2024 District Goals on August 29th. All are welcome to learn about this year's initiatives. Here is the Link to the Invite: https://shorturl.at/pBPT4
11 months ago, Peter Hughes
District Goals Flyer
We are welcoming our new principal, Ms. Peguero, today at 4 PM with a "Popsicles with the Principal" event on the MMS Playground - all are invited to come enjoy a summer treat! Link to the Popsicles with the Principal Invitation for 4 PM: https://shorturl.at/kyJMT
12 months ago, Peter Hughes
Dear Cresskill Families, I am formally kicking off my virtual coffees for the upcoming school year, a way that I use to remain accessible to parents. This is an informal time to learn about our schools and get to know about the initiatives we are undertaking. Our first coffee is tomorrow evening from 7-8 PM, where I will be introducing our new elementary principal, Ms. Peguero, and discussing some of the elementary goals for the upcoming school year. All elementary parents are welcome to attend. Below are the links. Also, please mark your calendar for August 29th, when I will be hosting my next coffee to discuss 2023-2024 School District Goals for the year. Happy Summer, Dr. Hughes, Your Superintendent of Schools Here is a link to the invite: https://shorturl.at/bekr3 Here is a link to join the coffee at 7 PM: http://meet.google.com/uqe-ghwo-tua The same link works for all superintendent coffees!
12 months ago, Peter Hughes
Dear Cresskill Community, We moved tomorrow's "Popsicles with the Principal" meet and greet to 4 PM since we received requests that worked better after camps. We hope that his change benefits you. Here is our new flyer: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFnadgAZN4/UGuzcSLUMiF83vBhQJVrLw/view?utm_content=DAFnadgAZN4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink Additionally, I will be hosting a superintendent virtual coffee tomorrow evening to introduce Ms. Peguero as well as discuss some of the exciting changes for the new year. All are welcome to attend. Below is information and the link to attend. With Care, Dr. Hughes Virtual Coffee with the Superintendent Tuesday, August 1 · 7:00 – 8:00pm Video call link: https://meet.google.com/uqe-ghwo-tua
12 months ago, Peter Hughes
Cresskill families are invited to Merritt Playground on August 1 at 2 PM to get to know our newest principal, Ms. Peguero. Popsicles will be served! I will also be hosting a Superintendent Coffee virtually at 7 PM that night for parents to meet and greet Ms. Peguero once the kids are winding down. This will be a moderated opportunity to learn more about our newest principal.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Dear Cresskill Community, It is with great pleasure that I announce our appointment of the new MMS principal, Ms. Jacqueline Peguero. I am very excited that she will be joining us on August 1, 2023. She was our top candidate from 63 applicants after completing an exhaustive interview process consisting of three rounds of interviews, multiple performance tasks, and being interviewed by committees consisting of teachers, building leadership, and district administrators. She was unanimously approved this evening by the board of education after attending the meeting and conducting a brief introduction about her values, beliefs, and reasons for coming to Cresskill. We are in the process of setting up "meet and greets" for the Merritt families beginning on August 1st that we will be sending out information on in the upcoming weeks. With Care & Service to Cresskill, Dr. Peter Hughes Superintendent of Schools
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Congratulations to all of our students from EHB and MMS that are moving up and entering the middle school. We are so proud of your work and who you are growing into!
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
With current air condition being bad outside, I have received some questions about the safety of classroom air when air conditioners are off. Here I explain to some of my fourth graders how univents work to ensure students stay safe. https://youtu.be/-vrk65F8vr4
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Cresskill School District is seeking motivated and hard working full time custodians. If you or someone you know is interested in a position with us, please email a letter of interest and resume to cresskilljobs@cresskillnj.net.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
We are anticipating increased air pollution (particulates) over the next couple of days due to the wild fires in Canada. For those that are sensitive, we encourage mask use when outside - which can greatly reduce inhalation of particulates.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
We are seeking community input into the desired qualities of a new principal. Please take a moment to share with us the qualities you want represented in the next principal. Thank you in advance for your assistance in creating a principal candidate profile: https://forms.gle/zq11exwYc1YWayec8
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Attached are available positions for the 2023 - 2024 school year in Cresskill School District. We are looking for committed candidates that believe in "Excellence for All". Please share with possible candidates.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Cresskill BOE adopted an updated mission and vision to "foster a culture of EXCELLENCE for ALL". View our updated mission statement here: https://www.cresskillboe.k12.nj.us/page/district-mission-vision
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
CougarsUnited, our town non-profit travel soccer club, is looking for a few more players for some new teams and to balance out some existing rosters. Right now we are specifically looking for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 girls & 2013 boys. 2013 Boys For the 2013 boys we are looking for a number of boys to round out our existing roster playing on a competitive team and would like to invite those players to a team practice this week 2014, 2015 and 2016 girls We plan to have a few clinics for the younger girls with some high-school girls who have played in our club for years. This will allow your daughter to see if it's something for them as we are establishing a few new team and may also have some spots on existing teams 2013 Girls The 2013 girls team is looking for a number of girls to round out our existing roster playing. Girls interested would be invited to a team practice in the next two weeks. Please contact us at CresskillCougarsUnited@gmail.com and fill out the following form https://go.teamsnap.com/forms/369529
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
Congratulations to Michael Burke who was honored this morning by NJASA for his service in public education and Cresskill.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
It was so nice welcoming the children of our staff today in Merritt Memorial School for Take Your Child to Work Day! Thank you teachers for coordinating a great day for all of the children.
about 1 year ago, Peter Hughes
kid photo
funny photo